Certificate of Enrollment


Directions for emission of “Certificate of Enrollment” are available at the DAA site:

  1. access SAV by typing the electronic address http://sisav.uem.br/sav
  2. provide your RA number (include “pg” before the number - ex.: pg50567) and institutional password;
  3. click "Solicitação" and then "Nova";
  4. select the option "Atestados" and click "Atestado de Matrícula Pós-Graduação";
  5. click "solicitar". The system will create one PDF document that can be displayed or printed.

Each generated document will have a period of 15 (fifteen) days of validity for confirmation of veracity online at a link and verification code specified therein. Another certificate can be generated whenever it is needed, free of charge.

Questions should be directed to the email: sec-pos@uem.br.