Biology of Interactions between Organisms and their Environment (DBI-4135)


Syllabus: Bidirectional study of relatioships between organisms and environment. Effects of abiotic factors on organisms. Influence of biological activities on environment.


Decomposer and cycling of nutrients

– Functional groups

– Nutrient cycling

– Cycling and bioremediation

Plants and Environment

– Influence of roots on soil structure

– Influence of plant litter on the physical and chemical properties of soil and water

– Abiotic factors on plant morphology and anatomy

– Energy and carbon stock

– Vegetation and climate

– Envrironmental factors on plant growth and development

– Phytoremediation and bioindicators

Animals and Environment

– Coevolution

– Pollination, dispersal and diversity

– Predation and environment

– Biogeography

– Climatic changes, biology and animal diversity

– Anthropic actions, biology and animal diversity


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KOZLOWSKI, T. T.  Flooding and plant growth.  Orlando, Academic Press, 1984. 355p.

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MOONEY, H.A.; WINNER, W.E.; PELL, E.V.  Response of plants to multiple stresses.  San Diego: Academic Press, 1991. 422p.

NOBEL, P.S.  Physicochemical and environmental plant physiology.  Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1991. 607p.

PEARCY, R. W.; EHLERINGER, J. R.; MOONEY, H. A.; RUNDELL, P. W.  Plant physiological ecology. Field methods and instrumentation.  London: Chapman and Hall, 1991. 457p.

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