Biology of Interactions between Organisms (DBC-4173)


Syllabus: Study of harmonious and disharmonious interactions involving microorganism-host, microorganism-environment, pathogen-host.


Part I:

– Levels of organization in ecology;

– Relationships between ecology and evolution;

– Modeling population growth in association with biological interactions;

– Basic concepts of the flow of energy and matter;

– Decomposers and detritivores;

– Ecological interactions: competition, predation, parasitism and others.

Part II:

– Genetic and molecular basis for microorganism-host interactions

Mechanisms of phytopathogenic attack

Mechanisms of plant defense

Genetics of microorganism-host interactions: cross-talking, virulence genes, resistance genes, avirulence genes, etc.

Gene expression in microorganism-host interactions: differential display and Expressed Sequence Tag (EST)

– Genetics and genetic enhancement of plant-associated microorganisms and insect-associated microorganisms

– Molecular biology applied to nitrogen-fixing, mycorrhizal, endophytic a pathogenic microorganisms: cloning and characterization of important genes for fungal-host interactions; molecular markers

– Biotechnological applications of microorganism-host interactions

Part III:

– Cytological bases of microrganism-host interactions

– Cytological aspects of microbial development during host infection



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