
Social Demand Program (SDP)

Objective: To promote the training of high-level human resources through the granting of scholarships to stricto sensu graduate courses (master's and doctorate).

Obligatory points: The scholarships will be awarded to institutions of legal standing under public law and free education, evaluated by CAPES with a score equal to or higher than three.

How it works?

SDP scholarships are managed by institutions and graduate programs, which are responsible for selecting and monitoring scholarship holders, according to CAPES guidelines.


  1. Is there a possibility of acting as a substitute professor while receiving a scholarship?

Yes. The Regulation for granting scholarships provides for the possibility for the recipient to act as a substitute teacher in higher education, with the consent of the advisor and authorization from the scholarship committee.


  1. How does scholarship renewal work?

The scholarship is renewed when its 12 months expires. The procedure must be carried out in accordance with current scholarship Norms.


  1. What documents are needed for renewal?
  2. a) Form and registration;
  3. b) Proof of residence in your name;
  4. c) Advisor’s evaluation form (delivered by the professor to the PGB secretary);
  5. d) Annual Activity Report (12-month duration of the scholarship).


  1. Where can I find scholarship renewal documents?

On the PGB website, in Formulários/Bolsas (Forms/Scholarships)


  1. Is the secretary responsible for reminding the student about scholarship renewal?

No. Each student is responsible for their documentation, renewal and deadlines, with regard to their academic life.


  1. About Duplicity of Grants:

Can I accumulate a scholarship for Social Demand as a public servant?

Regarding the situation of being a public servant, there are specific clauses in the current regulations of the Social Demand Program, providing that:

1- when a public servant, only the permanent employee can be benefited with master’s and doctorate scholarships, as provided in o art. 318 of Law 11.907, of 2 February 2009;

2- public servants benefiting from master's and doctorate scholarships must remain exercising their functions, after their return, for a period equal to the period of leave granted (§ 4º, art. 96-A, increased by Art. 318 of Law nº 11.907, 2 February 2009 which amended Law 8.112, of 11 December 1990). The current regulation of the Social Demand Program (Ordinance 76/2010) establishes that in the case of substitute teachers from public institutions, the condition of scholarship holder must come before hiring as a substitute teacher (Article 9°, item XI, letter b).

Can I accumulate a scholarship for Social Demand while working as self-employed?

The explanation in the second paragraph is valid for those who are self-employed: in order to accumulate a scholarship with paid activity, it is necessary that students who already have a scholarship dedicate themselves to activities related to their field of interest and interest in their academic, scientific and technological training and obtain authorization granted by their advisor, duly informed to the coordination of the graduate course or program in which they are enrolled.

Can I accumulate scholarship for Social Demand as a UAB Tutor?
As for questions related to the Open University of Brazil (UAB), we inform that according to CAPES/CNPq Joint Ordinance No. 01/2007, CAPES and CNPq scholarship students enrolled in graduate programs in the country, selected to work in graduate programs of higher education as Tutors of the Open University of Brazil - UAB, which is dealt with in Decree No. 5.800, of June 8, 2006, under the terms of Law No. 11502 of July 11, 2007, will have the respective scholarships preserved by two agencies for the duration of their regular duration. Other agents of UAB are not allowed to accumulate scholarships.

Can I accumulate a scholarship for Social Demand when receiving another scholarship from CAPES?

As provided by CAPES/CNPq Joint Ordinance No. 01/2010, there is the possibility of accumulating scholarships with paid activity. However, according to Article 1 of said Ordinance, this benefit applies only to those who are already scholarship holders. It is important to clarify that in order to accumulate a scholarship with paid activity, it is necessary for students who already have a scholarship to dedicate themselves to activities related to their area of activity and of interest for their academic, scientific and technological training. In addition, it is important to emphasize that in order to receive financial supplementation or to act as a teacher, the recipient must obtain authorization, granted by their advisor, duly informed to the coordination of the course or graduate program in which they are enrolled. This information must be registered in CAPES Student Register.

Can I accumulate a scholarship for Social Demand by receiving INSS? Getting unemployment insurance? Receiving rent from own property?

According to current regulations, there would be no impediment to receiving grants from the Social Demand Program concurrent with the receipt of benefits from the INSS or rent from own property. There is also no explicit impediment in the regulations of these programs regarding the possible accumulation of CAPES scholarships and the receipt of income from unemployment insurance.

However, after reading the regulation of the Unemployment Insurance Program ( it is understood that such a benefit can only be granted when the beneficiary does not have his own income of any kind. Therefore, the impediment to the accumulation in question would lie in the current regulation of unemployment insurance. We suggest that the applicant check this detail to avoid future complications.

Sources:  CAPES website, available at:

NOTE: Read Scholarship Norms and Ordinance Nº 76, of 14 April, 2010.