Teaching Traineeship

  1. Can the teaching traineeship be carried out in graduate courses?

No. The teaching traineeship must be carried out in undergraduate courses, and the activity plan must be approved by the undergraduate department to which the course belongs.


  1. Can the activities carried out during the teaching traineeship be developed in more than one course?

Yes. There is the possibility of carrying out, in installments, the activities of the teaching traineeship (30hrs in one course + 30hrs in another), as long as they included different activity plans, that is, one for each discipline.


  1. Can I do the teaching traineeship in the same discipline, but in more than one undergraduate course?

No, because the plan must be approved by the department to which the discipline belongs, making this practice unfeasible.


  1. Should all graduate students take a teaching traineeship?

No. The accomplishment of Teaching Traineeship I (30hs) will be optional for master's CAPES scholarship holders and the other master's students. The completion of Teaching Traineeship II (60hs) is mandatory for doctoral CAPES scholarship holders and optional for other doctoral students.


  1. Can a graduate student who has already carried out teaching activities be dismissed from the teaching traineeship?

Yes, as long as the dismissal is requested upon presentation of the work card or employment contract, in the following cases:

Teacher at an institution of higher education, private or public; and

Teacher at a public high school.


  1. Are minicourses, workshops and the like valid for completing the workload of the teaching traineeship?
