Use of Credits

  1. How can credits from a course pursed in another graduate program be used?

Regulation approved by Resolution No. 081/2014:

No more than 4 (four) credits can be used from a course pursed in another graduate program within the same CAPES score in the area of Biodiversity;

The use of non-regular student credits will be, at most, in 3 (three) courses with the total number not exceeding 9 (nine) credits, and they must be obtained within two years prior to enrollment as a regular student.

Regulation approved by Resolution No. 040/2015:

No more than 12 (twelve) credits can be used from a course pursed in another graduate course, within the same CAPES score in the area of Biodiversity;

The use of non-regular student credits will be, at most, in 3 (three) disciplines with a total number not exceeding 9 (nine) credits, and they must be obtained within two years prior to enrollment as a regular student.

Regulation approved by Resolution No. 009/2018-CCB:

No more than 9 (nine) credits can be used from another graduate course, within the same CAPES score in the area of Biodiversity;

The use of PGB non-regular student credits will be, at most, in 3 (three) courses with a total number not exceeding nine (9) credits and they must be obtained within two years prior to enrollment as a regular student.

Note: Only subjects with concepts A and B can be used.


  1. How should I proceed to apply for credits?

Application with signature of the advisor addressed to the Academic Council of PGB, according to the model: Request for use of credits.

Copy of the certificate of completion and/or declaration (signed) from the postgraduate course where you took the discipline, stating the grade, concept and frequency of the discipline taken, accompanied by the objective and program of the discipline.


  1. How many credits can a student who received master's degree at PGB use towards their doctorate?

Regulation approved by Resolution No. 081/2014:

24 credits can be used and up to 8 (eight) excess credits.

Regulation approved by Resolution No. 040/2015:

24 credits will be automatically used.

Regulation approved by Resolution No. 009/2018-CCB:

A graduate student entering the doctorate who attended the master's program at PGB has the automatic use of 24 credits and up to 8 (eight) excess credits, taken at PGB, up to three years prior to the first enrollment.

Note: Only subjects with concepts A and B can be used.


  1. How many credits can a student who received a master's degree in another graduate course use towards their doctorate?

Regulation approved by Resolution No. 081/2014:

A graduate student can use up to 9 (nine) credits from disciplines that are related to the areas of the PGB, but the student must still take all obligatory disciplines.

Regulation approved by Resolution No. 040/2015:

A graduate student can take up to 9 (nine) credits from disciplines that are related to the areas of the PGB, but the student must still take all obligatory disciplines and also, necessarily, 2 (two) credits will be taken in elective disciplines of PGB.

Regulation approved by Resolution No. 009/2018-CCB:

A graduate student who received a master's degree in another graduate program must take all obligatory disciplines and can use up to 11 (eleven) credits obtained in the master's degree in disciplines that are related to the focus of the major areas (Genetics, Botany, Ecology and Zoology) of PGB, as long as obtained within 3 (three) years before the first enrollment in PGB. Considering final credits, 4 (four) can be taken in disciplines offered by PGB or by any graduate course in related areas, while the other credits must necessarily be taken in PGB.


  1. How do I track the credits fulfilled/required and the grades in the courses?

Credits for PGB courses can be found on the website on the “Curriculum Grades” page and can be consulted at the virtual secretary when attended; credits requested for use can also be found at the virtual secretary or under PGB Academic Council Resolutions displayed on the website, which indicate the approval or rejection of requests for use. The grades are also present at the virtual secretary, the insertion of which into the system is the responsibility of the teachers who teach the subjects.